
  • Saturday 15th March 2025

  • 8.30am — 4.30pm

  • Newfield Secondary School

"In the 59 years I've been on the planet, MathsConf has been the best day of maths ed I've ever experienced. Thank you so much, one and all! Still on a high... "


What to expect

For the 37th Complete Mathematics Conference, #MathsConf37, we're coming back to Sheffield!

Bringing together hundreds of maths teachers from all phases of education to collaborate and learn from each other.

The perfect way to spend a Saturday with easily digestible mathematics wisdom from educators around the country.



  • 08.30
    Grab your badge and first coffee of the day
  • 09.30

    Welcome and introduction, from Complete Mathematics and Main Sponsor, AQA

  • 10.10
    Period 1
  • 11.00
    Morning break
    Chance to grab some exhibition goodies
  • 11.20
    Period 2
  • 12:10
    Morning Break
    Hunt down our treasure hunt clues
  • 12:30
    Period 3
  • 13:20

    Check out and taste test maths inspired cup cakes and cookies or why not join the Maths Mingle? 

  • 14:10
    Period 4
  • 15:00
    Afternoon Break
    Have a stretch and grab a final cup of tea
  • 15:20
    Period 5
  • 16:10
    Join the final remarks, including charity raffle draw — will you be a lucky winner?


Fun with Factorising

Jo Morgan @mathsjem

They had a lot of fun with factorising in Victorian times. Come along to this session try out some 19th Century algebra and hear about the quirky methods and vocabulary of the past. If you teach GCSE students who enjoy a bit of challenging algebra, there will be plenty of lovely questions to take back to the classroom.

Prime Factor Tiles

Jonathan Hall @StudyMaths

Prime Factor Tiles are one of the cheapest and versatile manipulatives around. A couple of pages of A4, printed in colour, and a few moments with a guillotine will make you enough to last a whole term!

They are useful for modelling a whole range of topics, including: Commutativity of multiplication, Simplifying and equivalent fractions, Prime factor decomposition, Highest common factors, Lowest common multiples, Factorising expressions, Laws of indices and Manipulating surds. Underpinning almost all these ideas is the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

The top-10 underrated models and manipulatives in primary maths

Jo Austen @mathswithin10

Models and manipulatives are hugely powerful tools for all maths teachers. Join Jo in this session to take a look at how some of the lesser-known and less widely used models and manipulatives can enhance your teaching. From a bucket balance to a 'bottom-up' hundred square, from a rekenrek to a double number line, there are always more tools - and more ways of using them - to discover!

Maths not methods

Peter Mattock @MrMattock

Many teachers argue about what is the "best method" to do a bit of mathematics (or to teach pupils to do it). I want to take the argument one step further and suggest that the "method" is often not really a thing at all. Rather, "methods" are simply the consequence of reasoning about the mathematics.

The "method" is just a recording of the reasoning. This session will explore that argument and provide examples of how "methods" can be exchanged for maths. 

The ABC of Maths: Simple Tools, Big Impact

Rob Smith @RJS2212

This workshop explores the Maths curriculum through the lens of mathematical thinking, focusing on three key principles:
A – Abstraction: Helping students generalise concepts and recognise patterns.
B – Balance: Striking the right balance between procedural fluency and conceptual understanding.
C – Curiosity: Cultivating a sense of wonder and inquisitiveness about mathematical ideas.
Using practical techniques and interactive tools, we will explore how to embed the ‘ABC’ of maths in the classroom. Expect to engage with a range of mathematical topics and ideas that you can apply immediately. The session includes opportunities to share experiences and a Q&A to foster collaboration.

Do Maths Lessons need to be “Fun”?

Adam Mercer @AMercerMaths

We all saw the headline, but in this session I want to look at the real impact “fun” has on secondary maths lessons. Do we need to cutting tarsias out every lesson? Is the secret to exam success lie in bingo games? Will kids only learn speed, distance, time relations by rolling tennis balls?? Are we currently boring our kids off mathematics???

WTF is a MTP

Craig Latimir @Teach_Solutions

Medium term plans are often the documents which have the most time poured into before become dusty and unused. They can be vanity projects for bored school leaders that never get referred to again once the school year really starts. I mean really, what is the point of them?!

This session looks to move away from thinking about medium term plans and move towards medium term planning. We will discuss how it should be an active process, rather than a passive document. We will look at all the things a teacher should consider before teaching a unit and all the things they can do to teach mathematics as an interconnected subject and give their students the best deal.

For relatively new teachers, you will have a chance to try a few activities which you can apply in the classroom the next day. For leaders, or people considering a leadership position, you will be able to explore the systems that you can implement across a department to increase the quality of teaching happening in every classroom.

What's the difference between a grade n and a grade n+1? (FOUNDATION)

Dave Taylor @taylorda01

In this session we'll explore the differences between the average learner achieving one grade, and the average learner who achieved one grade higher.
We've analysed performance data, using our QLAPD document, to identify which questions learners have made the difference with in the past, and identified appearing trends within these questions.
We'll share key questions that differentiate between a grade n learner and a grade n+1 learner and what our examiners experienced with these items, as well as key resources that can make the difference with your learners.

What's the difference between a grade n and a grade n+1? (HIGHER)

Dave Taylor @taylorda01

In this session we'll explore the differences between the average learner achieving one grade, and the average learner who achieved one grade higher.
We've analysed performance data, using our QLAPD document, to identify which questions learners have made the difference with in the past, and identified appearing trends within these questions.
We'll share key questions that differentiate between a grade n learner and a grade n+1 learner and what our examiners experienced with these items, as well as key resources that can make the difference with your learners.

The Crossover. What it is and why its important!

Mel Muldowney @Just_Maths

During the session Mel will be looking at “The Crossover” i.e. the massive chunk of the GCSE maths curriculum that could be examined on either tier. We’ll have a deep delve into what it is and why it’s important whilst also looking at how this has been used in designing the maths journey for students up to their GCSE.

How do you solve a problem like problem solving?

Guy Carpenter @gcarp567

A exploratory look at domain-specific problem-solving strategies and comparative worked examples for building mathematical discourse.
Throughout the session, we will delve into the core principles of domain-specific problem-solving strategies and their significance in the mathematics curriculum. Investigate comparative worked examples and explore how they can be seamlessly integrated into your teaching practice to enhance student learning. Engage in practical activities and collaborative discussions to apply these strategies in real-world classroom scenarios, sharing insights and best practices.

Using "different" exam questions to prepare Year 11s for A Level Maths

We are all familiar with using past GCSE exam papers to prepare Year 11 students for their GCSE Maths exams and for some, to prepare for the transition to A Level Maths (and Further Maths).However, exam boards offer more than just GCSE papers. We will examine further the alternative qualifications and see how useful they can be!

"Magic" Multiplication Squares

Sam Blatherwick @blatherwick_sam

At MathsConf36 I showed "magic multiplication squares", a low floor high ceiling 'completion' structure. In this workshop I aim to expand on this to show how varying components of the secondary curriculum can be introduced and developed through this structure.In addition, there will be plenty of opportunities to do some maths and discuss your approaches to problems!

Getting the most out of AQA Stride Maths

David McEwan and Mikhaila Senior @AQAMaths

Stride Maths is AQA’s free maths diagnostic assessment, designed to find gaps and misconceptions so that you can see clearly where your students really are. Join Mikhaila as she explains how teachers at Capital City College in London used Stride Maths to plan their teaching interventions for their 3700 resit students, and the progress they have seen as a result. David will walk through the free support from our product specialists, planning your tests, getting the most from the results and the free resources that are available. As usual there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions.

Key Stage 4 Enrichment: Ideas for delivering and resourcing the AQA Level 2 Further Maths Qualification

Amanda Austin @draustinmaths

The AQA Level 2 Further Maths qualification is a wonderful opportunity to enrich and challenge students in Key Stage 4 Maths. In this session we will look at the many benefits of offering this qualification to your students as well as discussing the practical aspects of delivering and resourcing the course. This will include ideas on how to structure the course for maximum impact in the classroom and where to find suitable resources that will enrich your students' experience.

Talk For Maths – Oracy strategies for the primary maths classroom

Helen Laflin @helenlaflin
Oxford University Press have been working with Oracy Charity Voice 21 to develop the Talk for Maths benchmarks. These benchmarks aim to support schools in creating talk- rich maths lessons through defining excellent practice and providing top tips and a growing toolkit of support. Join Helen Laflin, Primary Teacher and Lead Maths Consultant at Oxford University Press, for this workshop, where she will explore:

• What exploratory talk looks like in maths, and how talk and stories deepen understanding
• How manipulatives can be used as a tool for talk
• How and when to teach precise vocabulary
• How oracy helps combat maths anxiety and help student’s confidence grow by harnessing errors 

What Did The Roman (Numerals) Ever Do For Us?

Rob Eastaway @robeastaway

Did you know that it was about 500 years ago that England, under King Henry VIII, began the transition from Roman numerals to the new-fangled Arabic numerals that we use today? And it didn’t happen overnight! For decades, people found themselves using both systems, much like metric and imperial measurements today.

In this workshop, Rob Eastaway will reveal how Tudor merchants used manipulatives, counters, and Roman numerals to perform nifty arithmetical calculations, and how they slowly learned to adopt the quicker column arithmetic—making plenty of mistakes along the way. The session will be full of fascinating and little-known bits of maths history that will enrich your lessons on Roman numerals, place value, and arithmetic.

Mathematically Rich Interactive Models


Maths teachers aspire to go through the gears from fluency to reasoning to problem-solving in lessons with pace & purpose. Interactive content empowers us to spontaneously pose more "What if" type questions to pupils which practice different methods, have multiple answers or lead to generalisations. We will together explore versatile models you can easily use in class as initial entry points which progress through to rich problem-solving tasks. A diverse range of topics will include probability games, circle theorems, surds & lattice-points, shapes within straight-line graphs, linear vectors and equations. I’ll also expand further on my Pythagoras’ Theorem article recently featured on the cover of a mathematical journal. All materials presented are free, intuitive to use & will have significant impact on your lesson design & teaching practice. They'll also enthuse & fascinate your pupils enriching their learning & deepening their understanding. If you love doing maths, teaching maths & thinking deeply about maths, you’ll love this workshop.

Double number lines and proportionality

Jason Steele

How can double number lines help* underpin by teaching of ratio and proportion?Equivalence is a massive part of maths. I will talk about DNL, where I learnt about them, what I have done with them in my lessons, and how I will do things in the future.*this is not a silver bullet.

The Journey to developing a common core Mathematics Curriculum

Rebecca Sanders @MrsSandersMaths

This session takes you behind the scenes of Astrea Academy Trust’s ambitious curriculum journey—its challenges, successes, and key lessons. We’ll explore how we built consistency and quality across schools, the collaborative efforts that drive our work, and the strategies that make a difference. Building on a previous MathsConf36 talk on booklets, I’ll step back to reflect on the foundations behind them. Whether you're a MAT lead, Head of Department, or simply passionate about curriculum development, you’ll leave with deeper insights and practical ideas to shape your own approach.

Always, Sometimes or Never

Priya Shah @mathsdives and Ruth Bull @RuthBull

This hands on workshop will engage participants through exploration of mathematical statements. Will it be… always, sometimes or never true? We will discuss how the statements can be used along with the guidance and manipulatives to develop both mathematical understanding and problem-solving abilities within your settings – whole class, small groups, 1-1.

This session is ideal for any classroom teacher, home schooler, parent or tutor wanting to stimulate mathematical thinking in their young person(s) between KS1 to KS3.

Teaching Backwards To Secure Success

Jack Jennings @mrjackjennings

Do your students sometimes struggle to complete multistep processes? Do they start questions and forget how to finish them? Teaching backwards to secure success might be the answer you’re looking for! Teaching backwards is the big brother to backwards fading. It is an approach I have been using in several different schools with great success. This approach works really well for students in KS2 to KS5 and beyond! Come and explore how this methodology can secure success for your students and think about where you can use this in your teaching.

Thinking differently about statistics

Catriona Agg @Catrionaagg

The statistics part of A Level Maths requires a different sort of thinking - different from the pure maths topics, and also different from statistics at GCSE. In this workshop I’ll share some of the ways that I try to help my students to see statistics differently. Expect plenty of visualisations, lots of use of the Desmos ‘randomise’ button, and some activities to take back to your classroom.

Posing Problems with Paper Folding

Paul Rowlandson @DrRowlandson

In this workshop, we'll be folding paper to make various shapes! All the while, we'll consider how a single paper folding task can be used to demonstrate key concepts and pose problems for pupils at different stages of their maths education.

Meet the Most Powerful Math Tool You Haven't Tried: The Rekenrek

Where are you on your rekenrek journey? If you are interested in encouraging mathematical talk, reasoning, deeper understanding and daily practice in a hands-on visual method, then this session is for you. You truly have to see it to believe it. This is your chance to try a 100 bead rekenrek and leave with simple ideas to use the very next day.  You will be amazed at how this tool can be the mess-free answer for children developing deeper understanding of late number sense while naturally engaging in rich mathematical talk.  Begin your rekenrek journey by attending this introductory rekenrek workshop. You’ll leave with practical ideas to use the very next day.

Countdown Numbers Round for Primary, Low Attainers, and FE

Jonathan Southern @jonsouthern

In this session, we’ll explore:
How to introduce Countdown as a game.
- Lesson activities for teaching specific methods.
- Creating the right learning environment and attitudes.
- Effective resources to support learning.
- Questioning strategies to guide students.
- The role of metacognition—helping students think about their thinking.
- How to sharpen your own skills and impress your students!
- Why this approach is so valuable in the classroom.
Come along and level up your Countdown teaching!

Fun with Platonic Solids

Dr. David Martin

In this workshop we will participate together in a range of activities centred around the Platonic Solids. These five solids have been studied and written about for thousands of years. As we get to know these better, we will be motivated to engage in approaches from a range of mathematics, utilising at most GCSE mathematical skills.

But I Just Can't Do It!

Nathan Burns @MrMetacognition

This talk will explore some of the reasons why students struggle to access Maths. Beginning by placing you in the shoes of students, feeling out of your depth, frustrated and clueless, this session, which is suitable for educators from KS1 through to adult learning, will guide you through the difficulties that students can face in Maths, before arming you with a number of approaches to instantly take back to your own classroom, department and school.

Led by teacher educator Mr Metacognition, this session is based upon years of research, experience, and engagement with a large number, and range, of schools.

Making connections between representations used for ratio and proportion

Nicola Fareham @NFareham and Vicci Marshall @VicciM1

In this session we will explore the journey from counters to bar models to double number lines to ratio tables. Multiplicative reasoning covers such a huge proportion (pun intended) of the maths curriculum. By taking the time to build a deep understanding of these representations, students will be armed with a powerful tool that can be applied to many areas of maths, making strong and coherent links between various topics. 

Utilising the power of Poetry, Music, Dance, and PE to teach Mathematics to all

Dr. Ismail A Mageed

How can we teach mathematics through other subjects, such as music, poetry, dance, and PE? It is a visionary food for thought for teaching professionals. This session is based upon years of research, experience, and engagement with a large number, and range, of schools. We will examine together, how can we teach mathematics from a completely different perspective to harness a passion and love for our subject.

Rethinking Problem-Solving: What It Really Means in Maths

George Bowman

Problem-solving is a key goal in mathematics, but its role shifts as students progress, creating challenges for effective teaching. This session explores what truly helps students improve, beyond a checklist of techniques. At KS4, a technique-based approach is impractical, while at KS3 and below, intuitive methods help teachers model desired behaviours. We will examine how teacher modelling and school structures play a greater role than isolated strategies, highlighting a key distinction: behaviours, not methods, truly matter.


Friday Night Meet-up

It's a MathsConf tradition for delegates arriving on Friday to meet up locally to catch up with the community, network and talk all things mathematics.

Please meet us at 7pm at the Premier Inn Sheffield City Centre (St Mary’s Gate), S1 4UP. If you’re attending alone or are new and feeling a bit nervous, call +44 (0)20 8144 4748 so one of our team can welcome you and introduce you to the community.

Charity Raffle/ Rob's Tuck Shop

As with all our conferences, we are eager to seize this fantastic opportunity to support a worthy cause. We will be running a raffle where you could win a selection of mathematical prizes, with all proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Rob's Tuckshop is also back, offering a delightful assortment of sweet treats and drinks while raising funds for Macmillan. More than just a place for refreshments, the tuckshop serves as your social hub—an opportunity to network and unwind between sessions while indulging in a nostalgic selection of sweets, including favourites like white mice, rainbow belts, and fizzy cola bottles.

If you’d like to donate a prize to our raffle, please email us at events@completemaths.com

Maths Bake Competition - Cupcakes & Cookies Edition!

Maths Cake Competition is back—but with a Pi(e) Day twist! Since Friday 14th March is all about celebrating Pi (π) Day, we're shaking things up. This time, it’s your chance to show off your cupcake and cookie skills! Whether you’re crafting a π-shaped cookie, decorating maths-themed cupcakes, or getting creative with numbers and symbols, we can’t wait to see your delicious designs. 

Don’t forget to share a picture on socials, of your own masterpiece before it’s gone—we know how tempting they are! We'd love for you to tag us @lasalleed on X, @lasalleed.bsky.social on Bluesky!

Treasure Hunt

Throughout the day you will have a collection of mathematical questions that you need to find and solve, with each question labelled with a greek letter. Solve the questions, and using our cipher, convert the greek letters to give you a mathematical word. If you get the correct word, you will be entered into a prize draw and be in with a chance of winning an Amazon Fire Tablet.

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