Give all pupils access to impactful supplementary mathematics education
We help pupils to take their mathematics further or to address gaps in their knowledge by making available to all pupils the advantages of individual, highly personalised tuition. We do this by providing universally affordable access to our Digital Mathematics Tutor, which acts just like a teacher, responding in real time to a pupil’s real needs. We can do this because we have thought carefully about every possible connection in mathematics and how pupils mature mathematically. Ours is the only technology in the world capable of truly achieving the benefits of a real tutor. Our supplementary education has no barriers to entry – all pupils, from all backgrounds can benefit. If geography, personal technology or home circumstances get in the way, we will overcome those blockers for pupils. If a pupil does not have the means to pay for our services, we will fund it for them.
Give all pupils access to impactful supplementary mathematics education
We help pupils to take their mathematics further or to address gaps in their knowledge by making available to all pupils the advantages of individual, highly personalised tuition. We do this by providing universally affordable access to our Digital Mathematics Tutor, which acts just like a teacher, responding in real time to a pupil’s real needs. We can do this because we have thought carefully about every possible connection in mathematics and how pupils mature mathematically. Ours is the only technology in the world capable of truly achieving the benefits of a real tutor. Our supplementary education has no barriers to entry – all pupils, from all backgrounds can benefit. If geography, personal technology or home circumstances get in the way, we will overcome those blockers for pupils. If a pupil does not have the means to pay for our services, we will fund it for them.