Personalised Learning with 
Having initially started with
, the excitement of Sonia and her team in starting to use
with their pupils is getting their pupils excited about using the platform too! Sonia is really keen for her pupils to progress at their own pace and develop a love of learning, seeing her role as a teacher to support and facilitate this. She uses an analogy of taking all pupils on a bus journey, while allowing some to “get off and get the high-speed train then hop back on as they need to”. Her pupils have previously wanted to learn more according to their interests which creates a conflict between needing to keep the class together and keep track of what pupils are learning — but with
they are able to learn these topics in more depth if they wish to. Meanwhile, the analytics from
quizzes keep their teachers informed of areas of strength, and any gaps in their prerequisite knowledge, so they can continue to move, as a class, at pace through the curriculum.
This integrated use of
presents an answer to a common challenge in secondary education: set moves. It is very important within the culture at La Mare that there are no ‘ceilings’. Guernsey’s state education system has very recently transitioned from being selective (11 Plus) to fully comprehensive. Sonia explains the effect of this change on their pupils, “Thankfully, we don’t put children in the position anymore where they feel like failures at 11 years old. I think it’s great that wherever pupils come from, they have access to the same opportunities, the same curriculum, and now, all will have equal access to Complete Maths. We will be able to identify pupils who excel in maths, even if they have had problems which meant they underperformed at primary school.” With
, pupils are able to push themselves on, addressing any knowledge gaps in their own time, so they can be ready to move at the quicker pace of a higher maths set and their teachers can set a bespoke course on any ideas they need to catch up on before they join the new class. Meanwhile,
enables pupils to do corrective instruction independently to support their in-class learning, while teachers easily track pupils’ progress on quizzes. As Sonia puts it, “Complete Maths complements what we do, and what we've always been trying to do, that we couldn’t achieve with just manpower -
allow us to see exactly what pupils can do, giving every child an opportunity to shine!”