“When I introduced TUTOR, I wanted the children to first imagine a maths house, what they would like to have in their maths house. Then, I asked them what we need for our house to be stable - houses have piles in the ground, the foundations. I liken these to, for example, number bonds and times tables as these are fundamental foundations of maths. In order for us to have brilliant rooms in our maths house, like for example, algebra and percentages, we really need to have a good understanding of the things that come before them. Then, I introduce TUTOR and I tell them it is a tool that's going to help them to get these foundations really firmly in place before they can have a really super maths house!”
Hollie Stafford, Maths Lead, Eye CofE Primary School
“When I introduced TUTOR, I wanted the children to first imagine a maths house, what they would like to have in their maths house. Then, I asked them what we need for our house to be stable - houses have piles in the ground, the foundations. I liken these to, for example, number bonds and times tables as these are fundamental foundations of maths. In order for us to have brilliant rooms in our maths house, like for example, algebra and percentages, we really need to have a good understanding of the things that come before them. Then, I introduce TUTOR and I tell them it is a tool that's going to help them to get these foundations really firmly in place before they can have a really super maths house!”
Hollie Stafford, Maths Lead, Eye CofE Primary School